The Covington FFA chapter brought 8 students and 2 advisors to the first week TN FFA Leadership Camp at Camp Clements in Doyle, Tennessee. The were not many chapter attending the first week so there was a lot more to do, and it was a lot more fun.
After the first day things got busy, the had contest started. There was pool, rook, horseshoes, shuffleboard, and other indoor games. It was also the start of the sports tournaments, basketball, softball, and volleyball. At the meeting that night they held the individual Quiz Contest. Representing Covington, Chris Harper placed 5th.
On the third day they finished up all the sport tournaments. That night at the meeting they held the first round of the Quiz Bowl. Representing Covington were Chris Harper, Evelyn Jones, Brittany Brown, and Jeremy Armstrong. After the meeting they held a vespers service were students had the time to reflect back on the events at camp. Then, after vespers, everyone headed to the pool where they held the swimming events.
On Thursday they held the boat races and the track and field events. They also held the Advisor/Student softball game.(Students won) That night at the meeting they held the extempt spesking events. After the meeting they held a dance for the students.
On Friday everybody met for one final good bye. Awards were given and numbers and addresses were exchanged. Then the campground emptied.